mardi 10 mars 2015

On Charlie-Hebdo

The Charlie-hebdo attacks in my homeland France shattered us all. I can only hope that the departed souls may rest in peace, and my heart goes to the families of the deceased. That being said, I am saddened to say that this tragedy can be attributed in part to the country itself. Why?

Because of their tolerant philosophy. I'm christian, and I'm a firm supporter of religions all around the world. However, when the republic stance on religion is supposed to be secularist, how come there's jew and catholic's schools all around the country ? When a country fails to maintain it's ground and its values, it falls prey to others. That's one of the many reasons why Mr. Zemmour latest book The French Suicide found a lot of success nationwide.

The over-fraternity France has shown over those past years is starting to showcase its failings. Being tolerant is great, granting freedom as well, but when a country lacks the wisdom to balance the two, it fails. It's the duty of the leaders of a house to make sure that the rules set within said house are respected, for without order there can only be chaos. A firm country based on solid and unbendable foundations can last for millenia, not a brittle one based on patchwork foundations gleaned from whatever country they came from without any deep understanding of how it works and if it'll work within a foreign structure. When you give the opportunity to other cultures to flourish without limits, don't be surprised that their traditions will eventually come to blows with your own, even supplanting them. And the more influence they gain, the greater you'll see their warts and weaknesses harming your country, instead of their virtues, because we human beings tend to over-focus on the negative side of things. Balance is and will remain the key to preserving the identity of a country.

The muslims are also to blame in these attacks. Why?

Beacuse they do not seem to question their religion (the same point could be said of any other religion at large). When such tragedy occurs around the world, they're the first to say, " We condemn these action which do not represent the Qu'ran, etc."  with the tacit behavior of  "We've done nothing wrong, so what we do is basically right." which is angering. I think that's probably one of the reasons why the anti-muslim sentiment is gaining momentum every day. You condemn, yet find almost nothing to improve, and that's the kind of behavior that prevent people from evolving in general. We love to please ourselves with our lives without asking if we can become better individuals tomorrow. For example, showing evolution would be to wonder why do they have to pray five times a day. Do they absolutely need to do so ? Is it an absolute requirement to communicate with Allah ? To demonstrate our gratitude ? You  may think that it's personal, and by praying five times we are effectively doing nothing wrong, in fine, but that's what people don't realize that that's when  problems arise. The Islamists in a way, think the same way. People in general don't think of themselves as antagonists. They think that they're doing the right thing, so they're right, therefore there's basically nothing to improve ! See how similar actions can lead to very different paths...

The muslims and the islamists use the same book as reference, but with differents interpretations, some adding their twists in to better their preaching, the same way Christians do as well. But people nowadays are turning away from religion not only because of the advances in technology, but because their preachers aren't necessarily better than them. So why should they follow them, Especially when they contradict themselves or behave hypocritically ?

The deeper problem stems from what religion has to offer. They offer a lot of complicated dogmas which people can't seem to understand the utility. To some extent, people can dig spirituality, but when it makes at least some kind of sense. but can people make any sense of a catholic priest having to renounce children in order to serve god ? for what gain ? And if so, then what would that make of the rest of us ? sinners, in the eyes of god, and sub-par servants, since we didn't take an oath of abstinence ? Having any children is an advantage in heaven ? Does it have to be so male-dominated as well? Is that what God commanded us to do, despite Jesus-Christ liking children himself ? These are few of the questions the general populace is wondering around the subject, and we, religious folks, are kinda failing to provide accurate answers to those questions.

Lastly, humanity is obviously to blame for that. Why?

Because of our lack of wisdom. What bothers me the most is that people live a good chunk of their lives without really thinking about being a wiser person, and worst, not even looking for ways to become wiser. The result ? Older people with the philosophy of a teenager (or worse, a child) without any spiritual depth whatsoever. People want to remain physically young, which makes sense considering their priorities. Priorities. Priorities defines us and shapes our evolution, or devolution. I don't mean to judge, but at the very least, we should accept that beacuse of our society lack of internal and spiritual depth we can't prevent such tragedies to occur, or at least, lessen their occurrence. When we have a lot of weak-minded human beings who are seduced into an seemingly unending djihad, what does our society do against it ? I believe that we know a lot of solutions to our problems, but we don't really want to make the sacrifices required to solve them (especially around freedom), which is why we, as a whole, aren't progressing as fast as we could.

These were my short two cents, but if we don't want to better ourselves, that's our choice, but we sometimes forget that we must assume its consequences as well.

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